- property-read string $outerText
- property-read string $outerHtml
- property-read string $innerText
- property-read string $innerHtml
- property-read string $plaintext
Methods |
public __call( $name, $arguments)
public static __callStatic( $name, $arguments)
public __construct( $element = NULL)
public __get( $name)
public __invoke( $selector, $idx = NULL)
public __toString() : string
public clear() : bool does nothing (only for api-compatibility-reasons)
public find(string $selector, $idx = NULL) Find list of nodes with a CSS selector.
public findMulti(string $selector) : voku Find nodes with a CSS selector.
public findMultiOrFalse(string $selector) Find nodes with a CSS selector or false, if no element is found.
public findOne(string $selector) : voku Find one node with a CSS selector.
public findOneOrFalse(string $selector) Find one node with a CSS selector or false, if no element is found.
public fixHtmlOutput(string $content, bool $multiDecodeNewHtmlEntity = false, bool $putBrokenReplacedBack = true) : string
public getElementByClass(string $class) : voku Return elements by ".class".
public getElementById(string $id) : voku Return element by #id.
public getElementByTagName(string $name) : voku Return element by tag name.
public getElementsById(string $id, $idx = NULL) Returns elements by "#id".
public getElementsByTagName(string $name, $idx = NULL) Returns elements by tag name.
public getIsDOMDocumentCreatedWithFakeEndScript() : bool
public getIsDOMDocumentCreatedWithMultiRoot() : bool
public getIsDOMDocumentCreatedWithoutBodyWrapper() : bool
public getIsDOMDocumentCreatedWithoutHeadWrapper() : bool
public getIsDOMDocumentCreatedWithoutHtml() : bool
public getIsDOMDocumentCreatedWithoutHtmlWrapper() : bool
public getIsDOMDocumentCreatedWithoutPTagWrapper() : bool
public getIsDOMDocumentCreatedWithoutWrapper() : bool
public html(bool $multiDecodeNewHtmlEntity = false, bool $putBrokenReplacedBack = true) : string Get dom node's outer html.
public loadHtml(string $html, $libXMLExtraOptions = NULL, $useDefaultLibXMLOptions = true) : voku Load HTML from string.
public loadHtmlFile(string $filePath, $libXMLExtraOptions = NULL, $useDefaultLibXMLOptions = true) : voku Load HTML from file.
public overwriteSpecialScriptTags(array $specialScriptTags) : voku
public overwriteTemplateLogicSyntaxInSpecialScriptTags(array $templateLogicSyntaxInSpecialScriptTags) : voku
public setCallbackBeforeCreateDom(callable $callbackBeforeCreateDom) : self
public setCallbackXPathBeforeQuery(callable $callbackXPathBeforeQuery) : self
public useKeepBrokenHtml(bool $keepBrokenHtml) : voku
public xml(bool $multiDecodeNewHtmlEntity = false, bool $htmlToXml = true, bool $removeXmlHeader = true, int $options = 4LIBXML_NOEMPTYTAG) : string Get the HTML as XML or plain XML if needed.
Properties |
protected static $functionAliases = ['outertext' => 'html', 'outerhtml' => 'html', 'innertext' => 'innerHtml', 'innerhtml' => 'innerHtml', 'load' => 'loadHtml', 'load_file' => 'loadHtmlFile']
protected $isDOMDocumentCreatedWithCommentWrapper = false
protected $isDOMDocumentCreatedWithFakeEndScript = false
protected $isDOMDocumentCreatedWithMultiRoot = false
protected $isDOMDocumentCreatedWithoutBodyWrapper = false
protected $isDOMDocumentCreatedWithoutHeadWrapper = false
protected $isDOMDocumentCreatedWithoutHtml = false
protected $isDOMDocumentCreatedWithoutHtmlWrapper = false
protected $isDOMDocumentCreatedWithoutPTagWrapper = false
protected $isDOMDocumentCreatedWithoutWrapper = false
protected $keepBrokenHtml = false
protected $selfClosingTags = ['area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'command', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr']
protected $specialScriptTags = ['text/html', 'text/template', 'text/x-custom-template', 'text/x-handlebars-template'] The properties specified for each special script tag is an array.
protected $templateLogicSyntaxInSpecialScriptTags = ['+', '<%', '{%', '{{']
Methods |
protected createDOMDocument(string $html, $libXMLExtraOptions = NULL, $useDefaultLibXMLOptions = true) : DOMDocument Create DOMDocument from HTML.
protected keepBrokenHtml(string $html) : string
protected keepSpecialScriptTags(string $html)
protected keepSpecialSvgTags(string $html) workaround for bug: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=74628
Properties |
private $callbackBeforeCreateDom = NULL
private $callbackXPathBeforeQuery = NULL
Properties |
protected static $functionAliases = ['outertext' => 'html', 'outerhtml' => 'html', 'innertext' => 'innerHtml', 'innerhtml' => 'innerHtml', 'load' => 'loadHtml', 'load_file' => 'loadHtmlFile']
Methods |
public static __callStatic( $name, $arguments)