Reflection class for a {@}example tag in a Docblock.
Methods |
public __construct(string $filePath, bool $isURI, int $startingLine, int $lineCount, ?string $content) |
public __toString() : string Returns a string representation for this tag. |
public static create(string $body) : ?phpDocumentor |
public getContent() : string |
public getDescription() : ?string |
public getFilePath() : string Returns the file path.
public getLineCount() : int |
public getName() : string |
public getStartingLine() : int |
public render(?phpDocumentor |
Properties |
private ?string $content = NULL |
private string $filePath
private bool $isURI
private int $lineCount |
private int $startingLine |
Methods |
private isUriRelative(string $uri) : bool Returns true if the provided URI is relative or contains a complete scheme (and thus is absolute). |
Methods |
public static create(string $body) : ?phpDocumentor |