Provides a readable stream for a MessagePart.
- author Zaahid Bateson
- Extends
- Implements
Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface SplObserver Stringable - Traits
Methods |
public __construct(ZBateson |
public __destruct() |
public update(SplSubject $subject) : void |
Properties |
protected ?GuzzleHttp
protected ZBateson
protected ZBateson
protected bool $throwExceptionReadingPartContentFromUnsupportedCharsets
Methods |
protected createStream() : Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface Creates the underlying stream lazily when required. |
protected getBoundaryAndChildStreams(ZBateson Creates an array of streams based on the attached part's mime boundary and child streams.
protected getStreamsArray() : array Returns an array of Psr7 Streams representing the attached part and it's direct children.
Methods |
private getCharsetDecoratorForStream(Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface $stream) : Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface Attaches and returns a CharsetStream decorator to the passed $stream. If the current attached IMessagePart doesn't specify a charset, $stream is returned as-is. |