
A mime email header line consisting of a name and value.

The header object provides methods to access the header's name, raw value, and also its parsed value. The parsed value will depend on the type of header and in some cases may be broken up into other parts (for example email addresses in an address header, or parameters in a parameter header).

public abstract __toString() : string

Returns the string representation of the header.

i.e.: '<HeaderName>: <RawValue>'

  • return string The string representation.
public abstract ZBateson\MailMimeParser\IErrorBag::addError(string $message, string $psrLogLevel, ?Throwable $exception = NULL) : static

Creates and adds an Error object to this ErrorBag.

public abstract ZBateson\MailMimeParser\IErrorBag::getAllErrors(bool $validate = false, string $minPsrLevel = 'error'Psr\Log\LogLevel::ERROR) : array

Returns any errors on this object, and all IErrorBag children of this object at or above the passed PSR log level from Psr\Log\LogLevel (defaulting to LogLevel::ERROR).

Care should be taken using this if the intention is to only 'preview' a message without parsing it entirely, since this will cause the whole message to be parsed as it traverses children, and could be slow on messages with large attachments, etc...

If $validate is true, additional validation may be performed on children to check for errors.

  • return \Error[]
public abstract getAllParts() : array

Returns an array of all IHeaderPart objects the header's value has been parsed into, including any CommentParts.

  • return \IHeaderPart[] The array of parts.
public abstract getComments() : array

Returns an array of comments parsed from the header. If there are no comments in the header, an empty array is returned.

  • return string[]
public abstract ZBateson\MailMimeParser\IErrorBag::getErrorLoggingContextName() : string

Returns a context name for the current object to help identify it in logs.

public abstract ZBateson\MailMimeParser\IErrorBag::getErrors(bool $validate = false, string $minPsrLevel = 'error'Psr\Log\LogLevel::ERROR) : array

Returns any local errors this object has at or above the passed PSR log level in Psr\Log\LogLevel (defaulting to LogLevel::ERROR).

If $validate is true, additional validation may be performed on the object to check for errors.

  • return \Error[]
public abstract getName() : string

Returns the name of the header.

  • return string The name.
public abstract getParts() : array

Returns an array of IHeaderPart objects the header's value has been parsed into, excluding any {@see \ZBateson\MailMimeParser\Header\Part\CommentPart}s.

To retrieve all parts /including/ CommentParts, {@see \getAllParts()}.

  • return \IHeaderPart[] The array of parts.
public abstract getRawValue() : string

Returns the raw value of the header.

  • return string The raw value.
public abstract getValue() : ?string

Returns the parsed 'value' of the header.

For headers that contain multiple parts, like address headers (To, From) or parameter headers (Content-Type), the 'value' is the value of the first parsed part that isn't a comment.

  • return string The value
public abstract ZBateson\MailMimeParser\IErrorBag::hasAnyErrors(bool $validate = false, string $minPsrLevel = 'error'Psr\Log\LogLevel::ERROR) : bool

Returns true if there are errors on this object, or any IErrorBag child of this object at or above the passed PSR log level in Psr\Log\LogLevel (defaulting to LogLevel::ERROR). Note that this will stop after finding the first error and return, so may be slightly more performant if an error actually exists over calling getAllErrors if only interested in whether an error exists.

Care should be taken using this if the intention is to only 'preview' a message without parsing it entirely, since this will cause the whole message to be parsed as it traverses children, and could be slow on messages with large attachments, etc...

If $validate is true, additional validation may be performed to check for errors.

public abstract ZBateson\MailMimeParser\IErrorBag::hasErrors(bool $validate = false, string $minPsrLevel = 'error'Psr\Log\LogLevel::ERROR) : bool

Returns true if this object has an error in its error bag at or above the passed $minPsrLevel (defaults to ERROR). If $validate is true, additional validation may be performed.

The PSR levels are defined in Psr\Log\LogLevel.

© 2025 Bruce Wells
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