Abstract base class representing a single part of a parsed header.
- author Zaahid Bateson
Methods |
public __construct(Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger, ZBateson |
public __toString() : string Returns the value of the part (which is a string).
public getComments() : array |
public getValue() : string Returns the part's representative value after any necessary processing has been performed. For the raw value, call getRawValue(). |
Properties |
protected bool $canIgnoreSpacesAfter = false
protected bool $canIgnoreSpacesBefore = false
protected ZBateson
protected bool $isSpace = false True if the part is a space token |
protected string $value
Methods |
protected convertEncoding(string $str, string $from = 'ISO-8859-1', bool $force = false) : string Ensures the encoding of the passed string is set to UTF-8. The method does nothing if the passed $from charset is UTF-8 already, or if $force is set to false and mb_check_encoding for $str returns true for 'UTF-8'.
protected getErrorBagChildren() : array Default implementation returns an empty array. |