Base HeaderPart for a part that consists of other parts.
The base container part constructs a string value out of the passed parts by concatenating their values, discarding whitespace between parts that can be ignored (in general allows for a single space but removes extras.)
A ContainerPart can also contain any number of child comment parts. The CommentParts in this and all child parts can be returned by calling getComments.
- author Zaahid Bateson
Methods |
public __construct(Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger, ZBateson |
public getChildParts() : array Returns the child parts this container part consists of.
public getComments() : array |
Properties |
protected $children = []
Methods |
protected filterIgnoredSpaces(array $parts) : array Filters out ignorable space tokens. Spaces are removed if parts on either side of it have their canIgnoreSpaceAfter/canIgnoreSpaceBefore properties set to true.
protected getErrorBagChildren() : array Returns this part's children, same as getChildParts().
protected getValueFromParts(array $parts) : string Creates the string value representation of this part constructed from the child parts passed to it. The default implementation filters out ignorable whitespace between parts, and concatenates parts calling 'getValue'.