Parses a Received header into ReceivedParts, ReceivedDomainParts, a DatePart, and CommentParts.
Parts that don't correspond to any of the above are discarded.
- author Zaahid Bateson
Methods |
public __construct(Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger, ZBateson |
Properties |
Methods |
protected advanceToNextToken(Iterator $tokens, bool $isStartToken) : static Overridden to /not/ advance when the end token matches a start token for a sub-consumer. |
protected getTokenSeparators() : array ReceivedConsumerService doesn't have any token separators of its own. Sub-Consumers will return separators matching 'part' word separators, for example 'from' and 'by', and ';' for date, etc...
protected getTokenSplitPattern() : string Overridden to exclude the MimeLiteralPart pattern that comes by default in AbstractConsumer.
protected isEndToken(string $token) : bool ReceivedConsumerService doesn't have an end token, and so this just returns false. |
protected isStartToken(string $token) : bool ReceivedConsumerService doesn't start consuming at a specific token, it's the base handler for the Received header, and so this always returns false.
protected processParts(array $parts) : array