Normalizes an instance of {@see \DateInterval} to an interval string.
Denormalizes an interval string to an instance of {@see \DateInterval}.
- author Jérôme Parmentier
Constants |
public Symfony |
Methods |
public __construct(array $defaultContext = []) |
public denormalize(?mixed $data, string $type, ?string $format = NULL, array $context = []) : DateInterval
public getSupportedTypes(?string $format) : array |
public normalize(?mixed $object, ?string $format = NULL, array $context = []) : string
public supportsDenormalization(?mixed $data, string $type, ?string $format = NULL, array $context = []) : bool |
public supportsNormalization(?mixed $data, ?string $format = NULL, array $context = []) : bool |
Properties |
private array $defaultContext = ['dateinterval_format' => '%rP%yY%mM%dDT%hH%iM%sS'] |
Methods |
private isISO8601(string $string) : bool |