Stores metadata needed for serializing and deserializing objects of specific class.
Primarily, the metadata stores the set of attributes to serialize or deserialize.
There may only exist one metadata for each attribute according to its name.
- internal
- author Kévin Dunglas
Methods |
public abstract addAttributeMetadata(Symfony Adds an {@link AttributeMetadataInterface}. |
public abstract getAttributesMetadata() : array Gets the list of {@link AttributeMetadataInterface}.
public abstract getClassDiscriminatorMapping() : ?Symfony |
public abstract getName() : string Returns the name of the backing PHP class. |
public abstract getReflectionClass() : ReflectionClass Returns a {@link \ReflectionClass} instance for this class. |
public abstract merge(self $classMetadata) : void Merges a {@link ClassMetadataInterface} in the current one. |
public abstract setClassDiscriminatorMapping(?Symfony |