Methods |
public Exception::__construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) |
public Exception::__toString() : string |
public Exception::__wakeup() |
public canUseMessageForUser() : ?bool |
public static createForUnexpectedDataType(string $message, ?mixed $data, array $expectedTypes, ?string $path = NULL, bool $useMessageForUser = false, int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) : self - param list<string|\Stringable> $expectedTypes
- param bool $useMessageForUser If the message passed to this exception is something that can be shown
safely to your user. In other words, avoid catching other exceptions and
passing their message directly to this class.
public final Exception::getCode() |
public getCurrentType() : ?string |
public getExpectedTypes() : ?array |
public final Exception::getFile() : string |
public final Exception::getLine() : int |
public final Exception::getMessage() : string |
public getPath() : ?string |
public final Exception::getPrevious() : ?Throwable |
public final Exception::getTrace() : array |
public final Exception::getTraceAsString() : string |