
Holds parameters.

public __construct(array $parameters = [])
public add(array $parameters) : void
public all() : array
public allDeprecated() : array
public allNonEmpty() : array
public cannotBeEmpty(string $name, string $message) : void
public clear() : void
public deprecate(string $name, string $package, string $version, string $message = 'The parameter "%s" is deprecated.') : void

Deprecates a service container parameter.

  • throws \ParameterNotFoundException if the parameter is not defined
public escapeValue(?mixed $value) : ?mixed
public get(string $name) : UnitEnum|array|string|int|float|bool|?null
public has(string $name) : bool
public isResolved() : bool
public remove(string $name) : void
public resolve() : void
public resolveString(string $value, array $resolving = []) : ?mixed

Resolves parameters inside a string.

  • param array $resolving An array of keys that are being resolved (used internally to detect circular references)
  • throws \ParameterNotFoundException if a placeholder references a parameter that does not exist
  • throws \ParameterCircularReferenceException if a circular reference if detected
  • throws \RuntimeException when a given parameter has a type problem
public resolveValue(?mixed $value, array $resolving = []) : ?mixed

Replaces parameter placeholders (%name%) by their values.

  • template
  • param \TValue $value
  • param array $resolving An array of keys that are being resolved (used internally to detect circular references)
  • psalm-return (TValue is scalar ? array|scalar : array<array|scalar>)
  • throws \ParameterNotFoundException if a placeholder references a parameter that does not exist
  • throws \ParameterCircularReferenceException if a circular reference if detected
  • throws \RuntimeException when a given parameter has a type problem
public set(string $name, UnitEnum|array|string|int|float|bool|?null $value) : void
public unescapeValue(?mixed $value) : ?mixed
protected array $deprecatedParameters = []
protected array $nonEmptyParameters = []
protected array $parameters = []
protected bool $resolved = false
© 2024 Bruce Wells
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