- author Nicolas Grekas
- Extends
- Traits
Constants |
public Symfony |
Properties |
Methods |
public __construct(Symfony |
public final arg(string|int $key, ?mixed $value) : static Sets one argument to pass to the service constructor/factory method.
public final args(array $arguments) : static Sets the arguments to pass to the service constructor/factory method.
public final autowire(bool $autowired = true) : static Enables/disables autowiring.
public final bind(string $nameOrFqcn, ?mixed $valueOrRef) : static Sets bindings. Bindings map $named or FQCN arguments to values that should be injected in the matching parameters (of the constructor, of methods called and of controller actions).
public final call(string $method, array $arguments = [], bool $returnsClone = false) : static Adds a method to call after service initialization.
public final configurator(Symfony Sets a configurator to call after the service is fully initialized.
public final constructor(string $constructor) : static Sets a static constructor.
public final factory(Symfony Sets a factory.
public final file(string $file) : static Sets a file to require before creating the service.
public final lazy(string|bool $lazy = true) : static Sets the lazy flag of this service.
public final parent(string $parent) : static Sets the Definition to inherit from.
public final property(string $name, ?mixed $value) : static Sets a specific property.
public final tag(string $name, array $attributes = []) : static Adds a tag for this definition.
Properties |
Properties |
private bool $allowParent = true |
private string $id = '[inline]' |
private ?string $path = NULL |
Methods |
private validateAttributes(string $tag, array $attributes, array $path = []) : void |
Properties |
Methods |