YamlDumper dumps a service container as a YAML string.
- author Fabien Potencier
Methods |
public dump(array $options = []) : string Dumps the service container as an YAML string. |
Properties |
Properties |
private Symfony\Component\Yaml\Dumper $dumper |
Methods |
private addParameters() : string |
private addService(string $id, Symfony |
private addServiceAlias(string $alias, Symfony |
private addServices() : string |
private dumpCallable(?mixed $callable) : ?mixed Dumps callable to YAML format. |
private dumpValue(?mixed $value) : ?mixed Dumps the value to YAML format.
private escape(array $arguments) : array |
private getExpressionCall(string $expression) : string |
private getParameterCall(string $id) : string |
private getServiceCall(string $id, ?Symfony |
private prepareParameters(array $parameters, bool $escape = true) : array |