OutputInterface is the interface implemented by all Output classes.
- author Fabien Potencier
Constants |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
Methods |
public abstract getFormatter() : Symfony Returns current output formatter instance. |
public abstract getVerbosity() : int Gets the current verbosity of the output.
public abstract isDebug() : bool Returns whether verbosity is debug (-vvv). |
public abstract isDecorated() : bool Gets the decorated flag. |
public abstract isQuiet() : bool Returns whether verbosity is quiet (-q). |
public abstract isVerbose() : bool Returns whether verbosity is verbose (-v). |
public abstract isVeryVerbose() : bool Returns whether verbosity is very verbose (-vv). |
public abstract setDecorated(bool $decorated) : void Sets the decorated flag. |
public abstract setFormatter(Symfony |
public abstract setVerbosity(int $level) : void Sets the verbosity of the output.
public abstract write(Traversable|array|string $messages, bool $newline = false, int $options = 0) : void Writes a message to the output.
public abstract writeln(Traversable|array|string $messages, int $options = 0) : void Writes a message to the output and adds a newline at the end.