public __construct(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output, ?string $format = NULL, int $indicatorChangeInterval = 100, ?array $indicatorValues = NULL, ?string $finishedIndicatorValue = NULL)
  • param int $indicatorChangeInterval Change interval in milliseconds
  • param array|null $indicatorValues Animated indicator characters
public advance() : void

Advances the indicator.

public finish(string $message) : void

Finish the indicator with message.

  • param ?string $finishedIndicator
public static getFormatDefinition(string $name) : ?string

Gets the format for a given name.

public static getPlaceholderFormatterDefinition(string $name) : ?callable

Gets the placeholder formatter for a given name (including the delimiter char like %).

public setMessage(?string $message) : void

Sets the current indicator message.

public static setPlaceholderFormatterDefinition(string $name, callable $callable) : void

Sets a placeholder formatter for a given name.

This method also allow you to override an existing placeholder.

public start(string $message) : void

Starts the indicator output.

private Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProgressIndicator::FORMATS = ['normal' => ' %indicator% %message%', 'normal_no_ansi' => ' %message%', 'verbose' => ' %indicator% %message% (%elapsed:6s%)', 'verbose_no_ansi' => ' %message% (%elapsed:6s%)', 'very_verbose' => ' %indicator% %message% (%elapsed:6s%, %memory:6s%)', 'very_verbose_no_ansi' => ' %message% (%elapsed:6s%, %memory:6s%)']
private bool $finished = false
private string $finishedIndicatorValue
private ?string $format = NULL
private static array $formatters
  • var array<string,callable>
private int $indicatorChangeInterval
private int $indicatorCurrent
private float $indicatorUpdateTime
private array $indicatorValues
private ?string $message = NULL
private Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output
private bool $started = false
private int $startTime
private determineBestFormat() : string
private display() : void
private getCurrentTimeInMilliseconds() : float
private static initPlaceholderFormatters() : array
  • return array<string,\Closure>
private overwrite(string $message) : void

Overwrites a previous message to the output.

private static array $formatters
  • var array<string,callable>
public static getFormatDefinition(string $name) : ?string

Gets the format for a given name.

public static getPlaceholderFormatterDefinition(string $name) : ?callable

Gets the placeholder formatter for a given name (including the delimiter char like %).

private static initPlaceholderFormatters() : array
  • return array<string,\Closure>
public static setPlaceholderFormatterDefinition(string $name, callable $callable) : void

Sets a placeholder formatter for a given name.

This method also allow you to override an existing placeholder.

© 2024 Bruce Wells
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