Constants |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::FIXUP_BRACED_NAME = 6 |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::FIXUP_CALL_LHS = 3 |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::FIXUP_DEREF_LHS = 4 |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::FIXUP_ENCAPSED = 8 |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::FIXUP_NEW = 9 |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::FIXUP_PREC_LEFT = 0 |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::FIXUP_PREC_RIGHT = 1 |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::FIXUP_PREC_UNARY = 2 |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::FIXUP_STATIC_DEREF_LHS = 5 |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::FIXUP_VAR_BRACED_NAME = 7 |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::MAX_PRECEDENCE = 1000 |
Properties |
protected bool PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$canUseSemicolonNamespaces - var bool Whether semicolon namespaces can be used (i.e. no global namespace is used)
protected ?string PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$docStringEndToken - var string|null Token placed at end of doc string to ensure it is followed by a newline.
Null if flexible doc strings are used.
protected array PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$emptyListInsertionMap - var array<string,array{: int|string|null, : string, : string}>
protected array PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$fixupMap - var array<string,array<string,int>> Map from token classes and subnode names to FIXUP_* constants.
This is used during format-preserving prints to place additional parens/braces if necessary.
protected int PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$indentLevel - var int Current indentation level.
protected array PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$insertionMap - var array<string,array{: int|string|null, : bool, : string|null, : string|null}> Map from
"{$node->getType()}->{$subNode}" to [$find, $beforeToken, $extraLeft, $extraRight].
$find is an optional token after which the insertion occurs. $extraLeft/Right
are optionally added before/after the main insertions.
protected array PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$labelCharMap - var array<string,bool> Map determining whether a certain character is a label character
protected array PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$listInsertionMap - var array<string,string> Map From "{$class}->{$subNode}" to string that should be inserted
between elements of this list subnode.
protected array PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$modifierChangeMap - var array<string,array{: string, : int}> Map from "{$class}->{$subNode}" to [$printFn, $token]
where $printFn is the function to print the modifiers and $token is the token before which
the modifiers should be reprinted.
protected string PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$newline - var string Newline style. Does not include current indentation.
protected string PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$nl - var string Newline including current indentation.
protected PhpParser\Internal\Differ PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$nodeListDiffer - var \Internal\Differ<\Node> Differ for node lists
protected ?PhpParser\Internal\TokenStream PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$origTokens - var \TokenStream|null Original tokens for use in format-preserving pretty print
protected PhpParser\PhpVersion PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$phpVersion - var \PhpVersion PHP version to target
protected array PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$precedenceMap = ['PhpParser\Node\Expr\Clone_' => [-10, 0, 1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Pow' => [0, 0, 1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BitwiseNot' => [10, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\UnaryPlus' => [10, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\UnaryMinus' => [10, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Int_' => [10, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Double' => [10, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\String_' => [10, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Array_' => [10, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Object_' => [10, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Bool_' => [10, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Unset_' => [10, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\ErrorSuppress' => [10, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\Instanceof_' => [20, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BooleanNot' => [30, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Mul' => [40, 41, 40], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Div' => [40, 41, 40], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Mod' => [40, 41, 40], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Plus' => [50, 51, 50], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Minus' => [50, 51, 50], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Concat' => [50, 51, 50], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\ShiftLeft' => [60, 61, 60], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\ShiftRight' => [60, 61, 60], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Smaller' => [70, 70, 70], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\SmallerOrEqual' => [70, 70, 70], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Greater' => [70, 70, 70], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\GreaterOrEqual' => [70, 70, 70], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Equal' => [80, 80, 80], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotEqual' => [80, 80, 80], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical' => [80, 80, 80], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical' => [80, 80, 80], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Spaceship' => [80, 80, 80], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\BitwiseAnd' => [90, 91, 90], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\BitwiseXor' => [100, 101, 100], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\BitwiseOr' => [110, 111, 110], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\BooleanAnd' => [120, 121, 120], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\BooleanOr' => [130, 131, 130], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Coalesce' => [140, 140, 141], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\Ternary' => [150, 150, 150], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\Assign' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignRef' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Plus' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Minus' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Mul' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Div' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Concat' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Mod' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\BitwiseAnd' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\BitwiseOr' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\BitwiseXor' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\ShiftLeft' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\ShiftRight' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Pow' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Coalesce' => [160, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\YieldFrom' => [170, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\Yield_' => [175, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\Print_' => [180, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\LogicalAnd' => [190, 191, 190], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\LogicalXor' => [200, 201, 200], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\LogicalOr' => [210, 211, 210], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\Include_' => [220, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrowFunction' => [230, -1, -1], 'PhpParser\Node\Expr\Throw_' => [240, -1, -1]] - var array<class-string,array{: int, : int, : int}>
protected array PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$removalMap - var array<string,array{left?: int|string, right?: int|string}> Map from "{$node->getType()}->{$subNode}"
to ['left' => $l, 'right' => $r], where $l and $r specify the token type that needs to be stripped
when removing this node.
protected bool PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::$shortArraySyntax - var bool Whether to use short array syntax if the node specifies no preference
Methods |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::callLhsRequiresParens(PhpParser\Node $node) : bool Determines whether the LHS of a call must be wrapped in parenthesis. - param \Node $node LHS of a call
- return bool Whether parentheses are required
protected containsEndLabel(string $string, string $label, bool $atStart = true) : bool |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::dereferenceLhsRequiresParens(PhpParser\Node $node) : bool Determines whether the LHS of an array/object operation must be wrapped in parentheses. - param \Node $node LHS of dereferencing operation
- return bool Whether parentheses are required
protected encapsedContainsEndLabel(array $parts, string $label) : bool - param (\Expr|\Node\InterpolatedStringPart)[] $parts
protected escapeString(string $string, ?string $quote) : string |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::handleMagicTokens(string $str) : string Handles (and removes) doc-string-end tokens. |
protected hasNodeWithComments(array $nodes) : bool |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::indent() : void Increase indentation level. |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::initializeEmptyListInsertionMap() : void |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::initializeFixupMap() : void Lazily initializes fixup map. The fixup map is used to determine whether a certain subnode of a certain node may require
some kind of "fixup" operation, e.g. the addition of parenthesis or braces. |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::initializeInsertionMap() : void |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::initializeLabelCharMap() : void Lazily initializes label char map. The label char map determines whether a certain character may occur in a label. |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::initializeListInsertionMap() : void |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::initializeModifierChangeMap() : void |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::initializeNodeListDiffer() : void Lazily initializes node list differ. The node list differ is used to determine differences between two array subnodes. |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::initializeRemovalMap() : void Lazily initializes the removal map. The removal map is used to determine which additional tokens should be removed when a
certain node is replaced by null. |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::isMultiline(array $nodes) : bool Determine whether a list of nodes uses multiline formatting. - param (\Node|null)[] $nodes Node list
- return bool Whether multiline formatting is used
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::newOperandRequiresParens(PhpParser\Node $node) : bool Determines whether an expression used in "new" or "instanceof" requires parentheses. - param \Node $node New or instanceof operand
- return bool Whether parentheses are required
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::outdent() : void Decrease indentation level. |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::p(PhpParser\Node $node, int $precedence = 1000self::MAX_PRECEDENCE, int $lhsPrecedence = 1000self::MAX_PRECEDENCE, bool $parentFormatPreserved = false) : string This method also handles formatting preservation for nodes. - param \Node $node Node to be pretty printed
- param int $precedence Precedence of parent operator
- param int $lhsPrecedence Precedence for unary operator on LHS of binary operator
- param bool $parentFormatPreserved Whether parent node has preserved formatting
- return string Pretty printed node
protected pArg(PhpParser\Node\Arg $node) : string |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::pArray(array $nodes, array $origNodes, int $pos, int $indentAdjustment, string $parentNodeClass, string $subNodeName, ?int $fixup) : ?string Perform a format-preserving pretty print of an array. - param \Node[] $nodes New nodes
- param \Node[] $origNodes Original nodes
- param int $pos Current token position (updated by reference)
- param int $indentAdjustment Adjustment for indentation
- param string $parentNodeClass Class of the containing node.
- param string $subNodeName Name of array subnode.
- param null|int $fixup Fixup information for array item nodes
- return null|string Result of pretty print or null if cannot preserve formatting
protected pArrayItem(PhpParser\Node\ArrayItem $node) : string |
protected pAttrGroups(array $nodes, bool $inline = false) : string - param \Node\AttributeGroup[] $nodes
protected pAttribute(PhpParser\Node\Attribute $node) : string |
protected pAttributeGroup(PhpParser\Node\AttributeGroup $node) : string |
protected pCallLhs(PhpParser\Node $node) : string |
protected pClassCommon(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_ $node, string $afterClassToken) : string |
protected pClosureUse(PhpParser\Node\ClosureUse $node) : string |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::pCommaSeparated(array $nodes) : string Pretty prints an array of nodes and implodes the printed values with commas. - param \Node[] $nodes Array of Nodes to be printed
- return string Comma separated pretty printed nodes
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::pCommaSeparatedMultiline(array $nodes, bool $trailingComma) : string Pretty prints a comma-separated list of nodes in multiline style, including comments. The result includes a leading newline and one level of indentation (same as pStmts). - param \Node[] $nodes Array of Nodes to be printed
- param bool $trailingComma Whether to use a trailing comma
- return string Comma separated pretty printed nodes in multiline style
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::pComments(array $comments) : string Prints reformatted text of the passed comments. - param \Comment[] $comments List of comments
- return string Reformatted text of comments
protected pConst(PhpParser\Node\Const_ $node) : string |
protected pDeclareItem(PhpParser\Node\DeclareItem $node) : string |
protected pDereferenceLhs(PhpParser\Node $node) : string |
protected pEncapsList(array $encapsList, ?string $quote) : string - param (\Expr|\Node\InterpolatedStringPart)[] $encapsList
protected pExpr_Array(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ $node) : string |
protected pExpr_ArrayDimFetch(PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayDimFetch $node) : string |
protected pExpr_ArrowFunction(PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrowFunction $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_Assign(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Assign $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_AssignOp_BitwiseAnd(PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\BitwiseAnd $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_AssignOp_BitwiseOr(PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\BitwiseOr $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_AssignOp_BitwiseXor(PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\BitwiseXor $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_AssignOp_Coalesce(PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Coalesce $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_AssignOp_Concat(PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Concat $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_AssignOp_Div(PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Div $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_AssignOp_Minus(PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Minus $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_AssignOp_Mod(PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Mod $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_AssignOp_Mul(PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Mul $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_AssignOp_Plus(PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Plus $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_AssignOp_Pow(PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\Pow $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_AssignOp_ShiftLeft(PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\ShiftLeft $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_AssignOp_ShiftRight(PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignOp\ShiftRight $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_AssignRef(PhpParser\Node\Expr\AssignRef $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_BitwiseAnd(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\BitwiseAnd $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_BitwiseOr(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\BitwiseOr $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_BitwiseXor(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\BitwiseXor $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_BooleanAnd(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\BooleanAnd $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_BooleanOr(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\BooleanOr $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_Coalesce(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Coalesce $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_Concat(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Concat $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_Div(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Div $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_Equal(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Equal $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_Greater(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Greater $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_GreaterOrEqual(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\GreaterOrEqual $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_Identical(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_LogicalAnd(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\LogicalAnd $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_LogicalOr(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\LogicalOr $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_LogicalXor(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\LogicalXor $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_Minus(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Minus $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_Mod(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Mod $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_Mul(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Mul $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_NotEqual(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotEqual $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_NotIdentical(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\NotIdentical $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_Plus(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Plus $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_Pow(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Pow $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_ShiftLeft(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\ShiftLeft $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_ShiftRight(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\ShiftRight $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_Smaller(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Smaller $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_SmallerOrEqual(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\SmallerOrEqual $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BinaryOp_Spaceship(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Spaceship $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BitwiseNot(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BitwiseNot $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_BooleanNot(PhpParser\Node\Expr\BooleanNot $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_Cast_Array(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Array_ $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_Cast_Bool(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Bool_ $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_Cast_Double(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Double $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_Cast_Int(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Int_ $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_Cast_Object(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Object_ $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_Cast_String(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\String_ $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_Cast_Unset(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Unset_ $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_ClassConstFetch(PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch $node) : string |
protected pExpr_Clone(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Clone_ $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_Closure(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Closure $node) : string |
protected pExpr_ConstFetch(PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch $node) : string |
protected pExpr_Empty(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Empty_ $node) : string |
protected pExpr_Error(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Error $node) : string |
protected pExpr_ErrorSuppress(PhpParser\Node\Expr\ErrorSuppress $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_Eval(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Eval_ $node) : string |
protected pExpr_Exit(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Exit_ $node) : string |
protected pExpr_FuncCall(PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall $node) : string |
protected pExpr_Include(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Include_ $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_Instanceof(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Instanceof_ $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_Isset(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Isset_ $node) : string |
protected pExpr_List(PhpParser\Node\Expr\List_ $node) : string |
protected pExpr_Match(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Match_ $node) : string |
protected pExpr_MethodCall(PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall $node) : string |
protected pExpr_New(PhpParser\Node\Expr\New_ $node) : string |
protected pExpr_NullsafeMethodCall(PhpParser\Node\Expr\NullsafeMethodCall $node) : string |
protected pExpr_NullsafePropertyFetch(PhpParser\Node\Expr\NullsafePropertyFetch $node) : string |
protected pExpr_PostDec(PhpParser\Node\Expr\PostDec $node) : string |
protected pExpr_PostInc(PhpParser\Node\Expr\PostInc $node) : string |
protected pExpr_PreDec(PhpParser\Node\Expr\PreDec $node) : string |
protected pExpr_PreInc(PhpParser\Node\Expr\PreInc $node) : string |
protected pExpr_Print(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Print_ $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_PropertyFetch(PhpParser\Node\Expr\PropertyFetch $node) : string |
protected pExpr_ShellExec(PhpParser\Node\Expr\ShellExec $node) : string |
protected pExpr_StaticCall(PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall $node) : string |
protected pExpr_StaticPropertyFetch(PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticPropertyFetch $node) : string |
protected pExpr_Ternary(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Ternary $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_Throw(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Throw_ $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_UnaryMinus(PhpParser\Node\Expr\UnaryMinus $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_UnaryPlus(PhpParser\Node\Expr\UnaryPlus $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_Variable(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable $node) : string |
protected pExpr_Yield(PhpParser\Node\Expr\Yield_ $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected pExpr_YieldFrom(PhpParser\Node\Expr\YieldFrom $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::pFallback(PhpParser\Node $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::pFixup(int $fixup, PhpParser\Node $subNode, ?string $parentClass, int $subStartPos, int $subEndPos) : string Fixups here refer to the addition of extra parentheses, braces or other characters, that
are required to preserve program semantics in a certain context (e.g. to maintain precedence
or because only certain expressions are allowed in certain places). - param int $fixup Fixup type
- param \Node $subNode Subnode to print
- param string|null $parentClass Class of parent node
- param int $subStartPos Original start pos of subnode
- param int $subEndPos Original end pos of subnode
- return string Result of fixed-up print of subnode
protected pIdentifier(PhpParser\Node\Identifier $node) : string |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::pImplode(array $nodes, string $glue = '') : string Pretty prints an array of nodes and implodes the printed values. - param \Node[] $nodes Array of Nodes to be printed
- param string $glue Character to implode with
- return string Imploded pretty printed nodes> $pre
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::pInfixOp(string $class, PhpParser\Node $leftNode, string $operatorString, PhpParser\Node $rightNode, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string Pretty-print an infix operation while taking precedence into account. - param string $class Node class of operator
- param \Node $leftNode Left-hand side node
- param string $operatorString String representation of the operator
- param \Node $rightNode Right-hand side node
- param int $precedence Precedence of parent operator
- param int $lhsPrecedence Precedence for unary operator on LHS of binary operator
- return string Pretty printed infix operation
protected pIntersectionType(PhpParser\Node\IntersectionType $node) : string |
protected pKey(?PhpParser\Node $node) : string |
protected pMatchArm(PhpParser\Node\MatchArm $node) : string |
protected pMaybeMultiline(array $nodes, bool $trailingComma = false) : string |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::pModifiers(int $modifiers) : string Print modifiers, including trailing whitespace. - param int $modifiers Modifier mask to print
- return string Printed modifiers
protected pName(PhpParser\Node\Name $node) : string |
protected pName_FullyQualified(PhpParser\Node\Name\FullyQualified $node) : string |
protected pName_Relative(PhpParser\Node\Name\Relative $node) : string |
protected pNewOperand(PhpParser\Node $node) : string |
protected pNullableType(PhpParser\Node\NullableType $node) : string |
protected pObjectProperty(PhpParser\Node $node) : string |
protected pParam(PhpParser\Node\Param $node) : string |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::pPostfixOp(string $class, PhpParser\Node $node, string $operatorString, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string Pretty-print a postfix operation while taking precedence into account. - param string $class Node class of operator
- param string $operatorString String representation of the operator
- param \Node $node Node
- param int $precedence Precedence of parent operator
- param int $lhsPrecedence Precedence for unary operator on LHS of binary operator
- return string Pretty printed postfix operation
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::pPrefixOp(string $class, string $operatorString, PhpParser\Node $node, int $precedence, int $lhsPrecedence) : string Pretty-print a prefix operation while taking precedence into account. - param string $class Node class of operator
- param string $operatorString String representation of the operator
- param \Node $node Node
- param int $precedence Precedence of parent operator
- param int $lhsPrecedence Precedence for unary operator on LHS of binary operator
- return string Pretty printed prefix operation
protected pPropertyHook(PhpParser\Node\PropertyHook $node) : string |
protected pPropertyItem(PhpParser\Node\PropertyItem $node) : string |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::preprocessNodes(array $nodes) : void Preprocesses the top-level nodes to initialize pretty printer state. - param \Node[] $nodes Array of nodes
protected pScalar_Float(PhpParser\Node\Scalar\Float_ $node) : string |
protected pScalar_Int(PhpParser\Node\Scalar\Int_ $node) : string |
protected pScalar_InterpolatedString(PhpParser\Node\Scalar\InterpolatedString $node) : string |
protected pScalar_MagicConst_Class(PhpParser\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\Class_ $node) : string |
protected pScalar_MagicConst_Dir(PhpParser\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\Dir $node) : string |
protected pScalar_MagicConst_File(PhpParser\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\File $node) : string |
protected pScalar_MagicConst_Function(PhpParser\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\Function_ $node) : string |
protected pScalar_MagicConst_Line(PhpParser\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\Line $node) : string |
protected pScalar_MagicConst_Method(PhpParser\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\Method $node) : string |
protected pScalar_MagicConst_Namespace(PhpParser\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\Namespace_ $node) : string |
protected pScalar_MagicConst_Property(PhpParser\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\Property $node) : string |
protected pScalar_MagicConst_Trait(PhpParser\Node\Scalar\MagicConst\Trait_ $node) : string |
protected pScalar_String(PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_ $node) : string |
protected pSingleQuotedString(string $string) : string |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::pStatic(bool $static) : string |
protected pStaticDereferenceLhs(PhpParser\Node $node) : string |
protected pStaticVar(PhpParser\Node\StaticVar $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Block(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Block $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Break(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Break_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Case(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Case_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Catch(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Catch_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Class(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_ClassConst(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassConst $node) : string |
protected pStmt_ClassMethod(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Const(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Const_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Continue(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Continue_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Declare(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Declare_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Do(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Do_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Echo(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Echo_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Else(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Else_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_ElseIf(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ElseIf_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Enum(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Enum_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_EnumCase(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\EnumCase $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Expression(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Expression $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Finally(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Finally_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_For(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\For_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Foreach(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Foreach_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Function(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Function_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Global(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Global_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Goto(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Goto_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_GroupUse(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\GroupUse $node) : string |
protected pStmt_HaltCompiler(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\HaltCompiler $node) : string |
protected pStmt_If(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\If_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_InlineHTML(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\InlineHTML $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Interface(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Interface_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Label(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Label $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Namespace(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Namespace_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Nop(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Nop $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Property(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Property $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Return(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Return_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Static(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Static_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Switch(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Switch_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Trait(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Trait_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_TraitUse(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TraitUse $node) : string |
protected pStmt_TraitUseAdaptation_Alias(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\Alias $node) : string |
protected pStmt_TraitUseAdaptation_Precedence(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TraitUseAdaptation\Precedence $node) : string |
protected pStmt_TryCatch(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\TryCatch $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Unset(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Unset_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_Use(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Use_ $node) : string |
protected pStmt_While(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\While_ $node) : string |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::pStmts(array $nodes, bool $indent = true) : string Pretty prints an array of nodes (statements) and indents them optionally. - param \Node[] $nodes Array of nodes
- param bool $indent Whether to indent the printed nodes
- return string Pretty printed statements
protected pUnionType(PhpParser\Node\UnionType $node) : string |
protected pUseItem(PhpParser\Node\UseItem $node) : string |
protected pUseType(int $type) : string |
protected pVariadicPlaceholder(PhpParser\Node\VariadicPlaceholder $node) : string |
protected pVarLikeIdentifier(PhpParser\Node\VarLikeIdentifier $node) : string |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::resetState() : void Reset pretty printing state. |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::safeAppend(string $str, string $append) : void Appends to a string, ensuring whitespace between label characters. Example: "echo" and "$x" result in "echo$x", but "echo" and "x" result in "echo x".
Without safeAppend the result would be "echox", which does not preserve semantics. |
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::setIndentLevel(int $level) : void - param int $level Level in number of spaces
protected PhpParser\PrettyPrinterAbstract::staticDereferenceLhsRequiresParens(PhpParser\Node $node) : bool Determines whether the LHS of a static operation must be wrapped in parentheses. - param \Node $node LHS of dereferencing operation
- return bool Whether parentheses are required