- Extends
- Children
- Implements
JsonSerializable PhpParser \Node Stringable
Properties |
public string $name
Methods |
public final __construct( $name, array $attributes = []) Constructs a name node.
public __toString() : string Returns a string representation of the name by imploding the namespace parts with the namespace separator.
public static concat( $name1, $name2, array $attributes = []) Concatenate two names, yielding a new Name instance. The type of the generated instance depends on which class this method is called on, for example Name\FullyQualified::concat() will yield a Name\FullyQualified instance. If one of the arguments is null, a new instance of the other name will be returned. If both arguments are null, null will be returned. As such, writing Name::concat($namespace, $shortName) where $namespace is a Name node or null will work as expected.
public getFirst() : string Gets the first part of the name, i.e. everything before the first namespace separator.
public getLast() : string Gets the last part of the name, i.e. everything after the last namespace separator.
public getParts() : array Get parts of name (split by the namespace separator).
public getSubNodeNames() : array |
public getType() : string |
public isFullyQualified() : bool Checks whether the name is fully qualified. (E.g. \Name)
public isQualified() : bool Checks whether the name is qualified. (E.g. Name\Name)
public isRelative() : bool Checks whether the name is explicitly relative to the current namespace. (E.g. namespace\Name)
public isSpecialClassName() : bool Checks whether the identifier is a special class name (self, parent or static).
public isUnqualified() : bool Checks whether the name is unqualified. (E.g. Name)
public slice(int $offset, ?int $length = NULL) Gets a slice of a name (similar to array_slice). This method returns a new instance of the same type as the original and with the same attributes. If the slice is empty, null is returned. The null value will be correctly handled in concatenations using concat(). Offset and length have the same meaning as in array_slice().
public toCodeString() : string Returns a string representation of the name as it would occur in code (e.g., including leading backslash for fully qualified names.
public toLowerString() : string Returns lowercased string representation of the name, without taking the name type into account (e.g., no leading backslash for fully qualified names).
public toString() : string Returns a string representation of the name itself, without taking the name type into account (e.g., not including a leading backslash for fully qualified names).
Properties |
Properties |
private static array $specialClassNames = ['self' => true, 'parent' => true, 'static' => true]
Methods |
private static prepareName( $name) : string Prepares a (string, array or Name node) name for use in name changing methods by converting it to a string.
Properties |
private static array $specialClassNames = ['self' => true, 'parent' => true, 'static' => true]
Methods |
public static concat( $name1, $name2, array $attributes = []) Concatenate two names, yielding a new Name instance. The type of the generated instance depends on which class this method is called on, for example Name\FullyQualified::concat() will yield a Name\FullyQualified instance. If one of the arguments is null, a new instance of the other name will be returned. If both arguments are null, null will be returned. As such, writing Name::concat($namespace, $shortName) where $namespace is a Name node or null will work as expected.
private static prepareName( $name) : string Prepares a (string, array or Name node) name for use in name changing methods by converting it to a string.