Methods |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::__construct(array $attributes = []) - param array<string,mixed> $attributes Array of attributes
public getArgs() : array Assert that this is not a first-class callable and return only ordinary Args. |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getAttribute(string $key, $default = NULL) |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getAttributes() : array |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getComments() : array Gets all comments directly preceding this node. The comments are also available through the "comments" attribute. |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getDocComment() : ?PhpParser\Comment\Doc Gets the doc comment of the node. - return null|\Comment\Doc Doc comment object or null
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getEndFilePos() : int Gets the file offset of the last character that is part of this node. Requires the 'endFilePos' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (DISABLED by default). - return int File end position (or -1 if not available)
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getEndLine() : int Gets the line the node ended in. Requires the 'endLine' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (enabled by default). - return int End line (or -1 if not available)
- phpstan-return -1|positive-int
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getEndTokenPos() : int Gets the token offset of the last token that is part of this node. The offset is an index into the array returned by Lexer::getTokens().
Requires the 'endTokenPos' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (DISABLED by default).
- return int Token end position (or -1 if not available)
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getLine() : int Gets line the node started in (alias of getStartLine). - return int Start line (or -1 if not available)
- phpstan-return -1|positive-int
public abstract getRawArgs() : array Return raw arguments, which may be actual Args, or VariadicPlaceholders for first-class
callables. - return (\Arg|\VariadicPlaceholder)[]
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getStartFilePos() : int Gets the file offset of the first character that is part of this node. Requires the 'startFilePos' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (DISABLED by default). - return int File start position (or -1 if not available)
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getStartLine() : int Gets line the node started in. Requires the 'startLine' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (enabled by default). - return int Start line (or -1 if not available)
- phpstan-return -1|positive-int
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getStartTokenPos() : int Gets the token offset of the first token that is part of this node. The offset is an index into the array returned by Lexer::getTokens().
Requires the 'startTokenPos' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (DISABLED by default).
- return int Token start position (or -1 if not available)
public abstract PhpParser\Node::getSubNodeNames() : array Gets the names of the sub nodes. - return string[] Names of sub nodes
public abstract PhpParser\Node::getType() : string Gets the type of the node. - psalm-return non-empty-string
- return string Type of the node
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::hasAttribute(string $key) : bool |
public isFirstClassCallable() : bool Returns whether this call expression is actually a first class callable. |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::jsonSerialize() : array - return array<string,mixed>
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::setAttribute(string $key, $value) : void |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::setAttributes(array $attributes) : void |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::setDocComment(PhpParser\Comment\Doc $docComment) : void Sets the doc comment of the node. This will either replace an existing doc comment or add it to the comments array. - param \Comment\Doc $docComment Doc comment to set