Properties |
public PhpParser\Node\Expr $left - var \Expr The left hand side expression
public PhpParser\Node\Expr $right - var \Expr The right hand side expression
Methods |
public __construct(PhpParser\Node\Expr $left, PhpParser\Node\Expr $right, array $attributes = []) Constructs a binary operator node. - param \Expr $left The left hand side expression
- param \Expr $right The right hand side expression
- param array<string,mixed> $attributes Additional attributes
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getAttribute(string $key, $default = NULL) |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getAttributes() : array |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getComments() : array Gets all comments directly preceding this node. The comments are also available through the "comments" attribute. |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getDocComment() : ?PhpParser\Comment\Doc Gets the doc comment of the node. - return null|\Comment\Doc Doc comment object or null
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getEndFilePos() : int Gets the file offset of the last character that is part of this node. Requires the 'endFilePos' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (DISABLED by default). - return int File end position (or -1 if not available)
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getEndLine() : int Gets the line the node ended in. Requires the 'endLine' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (enabled by default). - return int End line (or -1 if not available)
- phpstan-return -1|positive-int
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getEndTokenPos() : int Gets the token offset of the last token that is part of this node. The offset is an index into the array returned by Lexer::getTokens().
Requires the 'endTokenPos' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (DISABLED by default).
- return int Token end position (or -1 if not available)
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getLine() : int Gets line the node started in (alias of getStartLine). - return int Start line (or -1 if not available)
- phpstan-return -1|positive-int
public abstract getOperatorSigil() : string Get the operator sigil for this binary operation. In the case there are multiple possible sigils for an operator, this method does not
necessarily return the one used in the parsed code. |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getStartFilePos() : int Gets the file offset of the first character that is part of this node. Requires the 'startFilePos' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (DISABLED by default). - return int File start position (or -1 if not available)
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getStartLine() : int Gets line the node started in. Requires the 'startLine' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (enabled by default). - return int Start line (or -1 if not available)
- phpstan-return -1|positive-int
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::getStartTokenPos() : int Gets the token offset of the first token that is part of this node. The offset is an index into the array returned by Lexer::getTokens().
Requires the 'startTokenPos' attribute to be enabled in the lexer (DISABLED by default).
- return int Token start position (or -1 if not available)
public getSubNodeNames() : array |
public abstract PhpParser\Node::getType() : string Gets the type of the node. - psalm-return non-empty-string
- return string Type of the node
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::hasAttribute(string $key) : bool |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::jsonSerialize() : array - return array<string,mixed>
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::setAttribute(string $key, $value) : void |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::setAttributes(array $attributes) : void |
public PhpParser\NodeAbstract::setDocComment(PhpParser\Comment\Doc $docComment) : void Sets the doc comment of the node. This will either replace an existing doc comment or add it to the comments array. - param \Comment\Doc $docComment Doc comment to set