Methods |
public __construct(string $name) Creates a property builder.
public addAttribute( $attribute) Adds an attribute group.
public getNode() : PhpParser Returns the built class node.
public makePrivate() Makes the property private.
public makeProtected() Makes the property protected.
public makePublic() Makes the property public.
public makeReadonly() Makes the property readonly.
public makeStatic() Makes the property static.
public setDefault( $value) Sets default value for the property.
public setDocComment( $docComment) Sets doc comment for the property.
public setType( $type) Sets the property type for PHP 7.4+.
Properties |
protected array $attributeGroups = []
protected array $attributes = []
protected ?PhpParser |
protected int $flags = 0 |
protected string $name |
protected ?PhpParser