
Update a cell on a timer

public PHPFUI\Base::DEBUG_SOURCE = 1
public PHPFUI\Base::__clone()
public __construct(PHPFUI\Interfaces\Page $page, string $callbackId, $callback, int $timeoutSeconds = 30, string $offString = '')

Construct a TimedCellUpdate. The cell will be updated with the supplied call back and the timeout interval specified

  • param \PHPFUI\Interfaces\Page $page as we need to add JS
  • param string $callbackId the id of the element to update
  • param callable $callback PHP callback that will be called every timeout interval. Should return the new contents of the cell. It is passed the id of the field being updated.
  • param int $timeoutSeconds interval to be called back, default 30 seconds
  • param string $offString if the callback returns this string, the timer will be turned off. Default is blank, so if the callback returns blank, the timer is turned off.
public PHPFUI\Base::__toString() : string
public PHPFUI\Base::add(?mixed $item) : static

Base add function. Adds to the end of the current objects

  • param mixed $item should be convertable to string
public PHPFUI\Base::addAsFirst(?mixed $item) : static

Base addAsFirst function. Adds to the front of the current object

  • param mixed $item should be convertable to string
public PHPFUI\Base::count() : int

Number of object in this object. Does not count sub objects.

public PHPFUI\Base::done(bool $done = true) : static

Form is done rendering

public static PHPFUI\Base::getDebug(int $flags = 0) : int

Gets the current debug setting

public PHPFUI\Base::getResponse() : string

Get the current response

public PHPFUI\Base::isDone() : bool

Returns true if the page needs no more processing

public PHPFUI\Base::prepend(?mixed $item) : static

Add an object in front of existing object

public static PHPFUI\Base::setDebug(int $level = 0) : void

Set the debug level, 1 or higher is on

public PHPFUI\Base::setRawResponse(string $response, bool $asJSON = true) : static

Sets the page response directly and exits the program

  • return never|static
public PHPFUI\Base::setResponse(string $response, string $color = 'lime') : static

Set a response in the standard format ('reponse' and 'color' array) exit will be called after returning the encoded response

  • param string $response to return
  • param string $color used for the save button
  • return never|static
public PHPFUI\Base::walk(string $method, ?mixed $argument = NULL) : static

Recursively walks all objects and calls the passed method on each object where it exists

  • param string $method to call on the object in the collection
  • param mixed $argument to pass to the method
protected $callback = NULL
protected string $callbackId
protected getBody() : string
protected getEnd() : string
protected PHPFUI\Base::getItems() : array
  • return array
protected getStart() : string
private static int $callbackNumber = 0
private static int $callbackNumber = 0
public static PHPFUI\Base::getDebug(int $flags = 0) : int

Gets the current debug setting

public static PHPFUI\Base::setDebug(int $level = 0) : void

Set the debug level, 1 or higher is on

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