
A Cursor does not read the entire query result into memory at once, but will just read and return one row at a time.

Since it is iterable, it can be used in a foreach statement. The index or key will be an integer starting at 0 for the first record returned.

public __construct(?PDOStatement $statement = NULL, array $input = [])
  • param array $input
public __destruct()
public count() : int

count is the actual number of records returned by the query, which should less than or equal to the limit clause if it was used.

See total to get the number of records in the table without a limit clause.

public abstract current() : ?mixed
  • return mixed representation of the current row
public key() : int

The offset of the row in the query, 0 based

public abstract next() : void

Go to the next record

public rewind() : void

Reset the cursor to the beginning of the set

public setCountSQL(string $limitedSql) : static

Sets the count when a limit clause is used.

public setQueryCount(int $count) : self
public setTotalCountSQL(string $totalSql) : static

Sets the count for the full query with no limit clause

public total() : int

Returns the total number records returned in the query without a limit clause

See count if you need the number of records the query returned.

public abstract valid() : bool

Returns true if not at the end of the input

protected ?int $index = NULL
protected readonly array $input
protected ?PDOStatement $statement
protected init() : void

Internal method to make sure rewind is called before anything else but will save the query if never executed.

private ?int $count = NULL
private ?PDOStatement $countStatement = NULL
private ?int $total = NULL
private ?PDOStatement $totalStatement = NULL
© 2025 Bruce Wells
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