Constants |
public PHPFUI |
Properties |
public float PHPFUI\InstaDoc\Tests\Test80::$public_float = 3.14 |
public ?PHPFUI |
Methods |
public PHPFUI\InstaDoc\Tests\Test80::__construct(?PHPFUI |
public PHPFUI\InstaDoc\Tests\Test80::count() |
public final PHPFUI\InstaDoc\Tests\Test80::public_function_returning_and_taking_array(array|bool $array = ['tom', 2 => 'Dick', 'harry' => 'reasoner']) : array|bool |
Constants |
protected PHPFUI |
Properties |
protected string PHPFUI\InstaDoc\Tests\Test80::$protected_string = 'whatever' |
Methods |
protected PHPFUI\InstaDoc\Tests\Test80::protected_function_no_return(?string $fred, $unknown = 3.14) : void This function does nothing. But it has a very long meaningless description that just seems to go on and on and on but does not really say anything except for being very long and completely unreadable, but such is the nature of long meaningless comments that really say nothing of any importance that just seem to meander and never get to the point and be concise and to the point, but that is the point, that there is no point. Pointless really.