public __construct(PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Client $client)
public delete(int $segment_id) : bool

DELETE a Segment

Use this method to delete a segment from your account. Before deleting a segment, verify that the segment is not associated with a scheduled campaign.

Deleted segments do not display in the results when using the GET /segments endpoint. If you know the segment_id, you can use the GET /segments/{segment_id} endpoint to view the deleted segment's details. A segment's details are preserved for external reference purposes, such as displaying the segment name in a campaign's history. For more use case information, see Delete a Segment in the API guide.

  • param int $segment_id The system generated ID that uniquely identifies the segment.
public get(int $segment_id) : array

GET a Segment's Details

Use this method to get details about a segment, including the segment criteria. If you know the segment_id You can also use this method to get details about a deleted segment. For more use case information, see Get a Segment's Details in the API guide.

  • param int $segment_id The system-generated unique ID that identifies a segment.
public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::getLastError() : string
public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::getResponseText() : string
public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::getStatusCode() : int
public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::next() : array

If the endpoint is paginated, you can call next() to retrieve the next set of data. If no next is provided, an empty array is returned.

  • return array filled with next part of the response from the endpoint, or empty if no next.
public put(int $segment_id, PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\SegmentData $body) : array

PUT (update) a Segment

Use this method to update an existing segment's name (name) and/or contact selection criteria (segment_criteria). You must specify both the name and the segment_criteria in the request body, even if you don't plan to update both. The segment's name must be unique and the JSON must be valid (requires single-string escaped JSON). To avoid returning a 400 error response, when specifying the segment_criteria do not request more than 500 email campaigns or a date range greater than 1825 days (5 years) be evaluated. For more use case information, see Update Segment Details in the API guide.

  • param int $segment_id The system generated ID that uniquely identifies the segment that you want to modify.
  • param \PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\SegmentData $body Include both the name and segment_criteria (single-string escaped JSON) in the body request, then make updates to either or both.
public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::success() : bool
protected PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Client PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::$client
protected string PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::$urlPath
protected PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::doDelete(array $parameters) : bool
protected PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::doGet(array $parameters) : array
protected PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::doPatch(array $parameters) : array
protected PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::doPost(array $parameters) : array
protected PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::doPut(array $parameters) : array
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