Methods |
public __construct(PHPFUI |
public delete(string $campaign_id) : bool DELETE an Email Campaign Use this method to delete an email campaign and the email campaign activities
associated with the email campaign. You cannot delete an email campaign
when it has a Constant Contact users can restore deleted email campaigns using the UI.
public get(string $campaign_id) : array GET Details About a Single Email Campaign Use this method to get details about a single email campaign and campaign
related activities. Details include the email campaign name, current
status, create date, last update date, and a list of campaign activities;
including the
public patch(string $campaign_id, PHPFUI PATCH (Update) an Email Campaign Name Use this method to rename an email campaign. The name is not visible
to contacts. The name must be unique and cannot exceed 80 characters.
You cannot rename email campaigns that have a
Properties |
Methods |