public __construct(PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Client $client)
public get() : array

GET the Physical Address for the Account

Use this method to get the address where the account's organization physically resides. The physical address is required to send emails and displays on the footer of every email that is sent from the account.

public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::getLastError() : string
public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::getResponseText() : string
public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::getStatusCode() : int
public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::next() : array

If the endpoint is paginated, you can call next() to retrieve the next set of data. If no next is provided, an empty array is returned.

  • return array filled with next part of the response from the endpoint, or empty if no next.
public put(PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\AccountPhysicalAddress $body) : array

PUT (update) the Physical Address for an Account

Use this method to update the organization's physical address for the Constant Contact user account. The physical address is required to send emails and displays on the footer of every email that is sent from the account. To get the current physical address, make a GET call to /account/summary/physical_address. The country (country_code) where the account organization resides determines whether you use the state_code to specify United States (US) and Canada (CA) addresses, or use the state_name to specify all other countries. For more details, see Put (update) the Physical Address for the Account. You must have the role of Account Owner assigned to update account level details.

  • param \PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\AccountPhysicalAddress $body Include all AccountPhysicalAddress properties required for the specified country_code and then update only those properties that you want to change. Excluding a non-read only field from the request body removes it from the physical address.
public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::success() : bool
protected PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Client PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::$client
protected string PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::$urlPath
protected PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::doDelete(array $parameters) : bool
protected PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::doGet(array $parameters) : array
protected PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::doPatch(array $parameters) : array
protected PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::doPost(array $parameters) : array
protected PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Base::doPut(array $parameters) : array
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