  • property string $contact_email A valid email address to associate with the client account.
  • property string $contact_phone The contact phone number to associate with the client account.
  • property string $country_code The two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 code) that specifies the country in which the client resides.
  • property string $organization_name The name of organization that identifies the client account.
  • property string $organization_phone The organization phone number. To set the organization phone number using the user interface, select My Settings and in the Organization Information section, select Edit Organization Information.
  • property string $state_code The two-letter state code that represents the US state (country_code is US ) or Canadian province (country_code is CA) where the client's organization is physically located. Leave the state_code blank for non-US states and Canadian provinces.
  • property string $time_zone_id The offical time zone to use to represent the physical location associated with the client account.
  • property string $website The client's website URL. Specifying the website URL eliminates the need for clients to provide that information. Requires a valid URL starting with http:// or https://.
  • property string $login_name A unique login name to associate with the client account. The name must only contain alphanumeric characters and '-', '_', '@','.','+'.
  • property string $password Required if not using Single Sign On (SSO) or external authenticator. The password to associate with the client account. Passwords must be a minimum of six characters in length and have no spaces. The password is not returned in the response payload for security reasons. If using SSO authentication, use external_provider and external_id instead of password.
  • property string $first_name The client account owner's first name.
  • property string $last_name The client account owner's last name.
  • property string $partner_account_id The unique client account identifier that partners define and use for billing and reporting purposes.
  • property string $billing_locale The currency to use when billing the client account. Valid values are: en_US (default, US Dollars) or en_GB (British Pounds).
  • property bool $managed_site_owner By default, if the client account is setup as a managed account managed_site_owner is automatically set to true and attempting to override the setting with false is ignored. This helps to avoid getting an account into an unknown state.
  • property bool $enable_single_billing If a partner account is setup to allow for single billing and the managed_site_owner property is set to true, use this property to enable the single billing feature for the client account. See your account manager for more information.
  • property bool $gdpr_opt_out When creating accounts for users who have opted-out of any marketing communications, set the gdpr_opt_out to true so that Constant Contact does not send any marketing communications to the account.
  • property string $external_id The ID used to uniquely identify the client account for the external authenticator. Do not use the password property when using an external authenticator.
  • property string $external_provider The name of the provider who externally authenticates this customer. For example, PayPal or Yahoo. Do not use the password property when using an external authenticator.
public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\Base::__construct(array $initialValues = [])
public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\Base::__get(string $field) : ?mixed

Unset fields will return null

public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\Base::__set(string $field, ?mixed $value)
  • return mixed value being set to allow for assignment chaining
public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\Base::getData() : array
  • return array representation of data
public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\Base::getfields() : array
  • return array all the valid fields for the object. Index is field name and value is the type.
public PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\Base::getJSON() : string
  • return string pretty print JSON
protected static array $fields = ['contact_email' => 'string', 'contact_phone' => 'string', 'country_code' => 'string', 'organization_name' => 'string', 'organization_phone' => 'string', 'state_code' => 'string', 'time_zone_id' => 'string', 'website' => 'string', 'login_name' => 'string', 'password' => 'string', 'first_name' => 'string', 'last_name' => 'string', 'partner_account_id' => 'string', 'billing_locale' => 'string', 'managed_site_owner' => 'bool', 'enable_single_billing' => 'bool', 'gdpr_opt_out' => 'bool', 'external_id' => 'string', 'external_provider' => 'string']
protected static array $maxLength = ['contact_email' => 80, 'contact_phone' => 25, 'country_code' => 3, 'organization_name' => 50, 'organization_phone' => 25, 'login_name' => 50, 'password' => 80, 'first_name' => 80, 'last_name' => 80, 'partner_account_id' => 80, 'external_id' => 255, 'external_provider' => 80]
protected static array $minLength = ['contact_phone' => 5, 'country_code' => 2, 'organization_name' => 1, 'organization_phone' => 5, 'login_name' => 6, 'password' => 6, 'first_name' => 2, 'last_name' => 2]
protected static array PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\Base::$requiredFields = []
  • var string[] required fields.
protected static array $fields = ['contact_email' => 'string', 'contact_phone' => 'string', 'country_code' => 'string', 'organization_name' => 'string', 'organization_phone' => 'string', 'state_code' => 'string', 'time_zone_id' => 'string', 'website' => 'string', 'login_name' => 'string', 'password' => 'string', 'first_name' => 'string', 'last_name' => 'string', 'partner_account_id' => 'string', 'billing_locale' => 'string', 'managed_site_owner' => 'bool', 'enable_single_billing' => 'bool', 'gdpr_opt_out' => 'bool', 'external_id' => 'string', 'external_provider' => 'string']
protected static array $maxLength = ['contact_email' => 80, 'contact_phone' => 25, 'country_code' => 3, 'organization_name' => 50, 'organization_phone' => 25, 'login_name' => 50, 'password' => 80, 'first_name' => 80, 'last_name' => 80, 'partner_account_id' => 80, 'external_id' => 255, 'external_provider' => 80]
protected static array $minLength = ['contact_phone' => 5, 'country_code' => 2, 'organization_name' => 1, 'organization_phone' => 5, 'login_name' => 6, 'password' => 6, 'first_name' => 2, 'last_name' => 2]
protected static array PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\Base::$requiredFields = []
  • var string[] required fields.
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