- property string $account_operation_url The API method path for the request you are sending on behalf of a managed child account. This value should be a V3 API URL without the https://api.cc.email/v3 base url and with any path parameter names included. For example: /emails/activities/{campaign_activity_id}.
- property string $account_operation_method The http method for the request you are sending on behalf of a managed child account.
- property string $account_operation_payload The request payload for the request you are sending on behalf of a managed child account. If you provide a JSON payload using this parameter, make sure that the JSON is string escaped.
- property \PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\QueryParamObject[] $account_operation_query_parameters An array containing the query parameters for the request you are sending on behalf of a managed child account.
- property \PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\PathParamObject[] $account_operation_path_parameters An array containing the path parameters for the request you are sending on behalf of a managed child account.
- property \PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\HeadersObject[] $account_operation_headers An array containing the headers for the request you are sending on behalf of a managed child account.
Methods |
Properties |
protected static array $fields = ['account_operation_url' => 'string', 'account_operation_method' => 'string', 'account_operation_payload' => 'string', 'account_operation_query_parameters' => 'array<\PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\QueryParamObject>', 'account_operation_path_parameters' => 'array<\PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\PathParamObject>', 'account_operation_headers' => 'array<\PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\HeadersObject>'] |
Properties |
protected static array $fields = ['account_operation_url' => 'string', 'account_operation_method' => 'string', 'account_operation_payload' => 'string', 'account_operation_query_parameters' => 'array<\PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\QueryParamObject>', 'account_operation_path_parameters' => 'array<\PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\PathParamObject>', 'account_operation_headers' => 'array<\PHPFUI\ConstantContact\Definition\HeadersObject>'] |