Class MathExecutor
- package NXP
Methods |
public __clone() |
public __construct() Base math operators |
public addFunction(string $name, ?callable $function = NULL) : self Add function to executor
public addOperator(NXP Add operator to executor |
public clearCache() : self Clear token's cache |
public execute(string $expression, bool $cache = true) Execute expression
public getCache() : array Get cache array with tokens
public getFunctions() : array Get all registered functions
public getOperators() : array Get all registered operators to executor
public getVar(string $variable) : ?mixed Get a specific var
public getVars() : array Get all vars
public removeOperator(string $operator) : self Remove a specific operator |
public removeVar(string $variable) : self Remove variable from executor |
public removeVars() : self Remove all variables and the variable not found handler |
public setDivisionByZeroIsZero() : self Set division by zero returns zero instead of throwing DivisionByZeroException |
public setVar(string $variable, ?mixed $value) : self Add variable to executor. To set a custom validator use setVarValidationHandler.
public setVarNotFoundHandler(callable $handler) : self Define a method that will be invoked when a variable is not found. The first parameter will be the variable name, and the returned value will be used as the variable value. |
public setVars(array $variables, bool $clear = true) : self Add variables to executor
public setVarValidationHandler(?callable $handler) : self Define a validation method that will be invoked when a variable is set using setVar. The first parameter will be the variable name, and the second will be the variable value. Set to null to disable validation.
public useBCMath(int $scale = 2) : self |
public varExists(string $variable) : bool Test to see if a variable exists |
Properties |
protected array $cache = []
protected array $functions = []
protected $onVarNotFound = NULL
protected $onVarValidation = NULL
protected array $operators = []
protected array $variables = [] Available variables
Methods |
protected addDefaults() : self Set default operands and functions
protected defaultFunctions() : array Gets the default functions as an array. Key is function name and value is the function as a closure.
protected defaultOperators() : array Get the default operators
protected defaultVars() : array Returns the default variables names as key/value pairs
protected defaultVarValidation(string $variable, ?mixed $value) : void Default variable validation, ensures that the value is a scalar or array.