Methods |
public addAction( $action) Add an action to the attachment.
public addField( $field) Add a field to the block/attachment.
public clearActions() Clear the actions for the attachment.
public clearFields() Clear the fields for the block/attachment.
public getActions() Get the collection of actions (buttons) to include in the attachment.
public getAuthorIcon() Get the author icon to use for the attachment.
public getAuthorLink() Get the author link to use for the attachment.
public getAuthorName() Get the author name to use for the attachment.
public getCallbackId() Get the callback id for use with interactivity.
public getColor() Get the color to use for the attachment.
public getFallback() Get the fallback text.
public getFields() Get the fields for the block/attachment.
public getFooter() Get the footer to use for the attachment.
public getFooterIcon() Get the footer icon to use for the attachment.
public getImageUrl() Get the optional image to appear within the attachment.
public getMarkdownFields() Get the fields Slack should interpret in its Markdown-like language.
public getPretext() Get the text that should appear above the formatted data.
public getText() Get the optional text to appear within the attachment.
public getThumbUrl() Get the optional thumbnail to appear within the attachment.
public getTimestamp() Get the timestamp to use for the attachment.
public getTitle() Get the title to use for the attachment.
public getTitleLink() Get the title link to use for the attachment.
public setActions( $actions) Set the collection of actions (buttons) to include in the attachment.
public setAuthorIcon( $author_icon) Set the author icon to use for the attachment.
public setAuthorLink( $author_link) Set the author link to use for the attachment.
public setAuthorName( $author_name) Set the author name to use for the attachment.
public setCallbackId( $callback_id) Set the callback id to use with interactivity.
public setColor( $color) Set the color to use for the attachment.
public setFallback( $fallback) Set the fallback text.
public setFields(array $fields) Set the fields for the block/attachment.
public setFooter( $footer) Set the footer text to use for the attachment.
public setFooterIcon( $footerIcon) Set the footer icon to use for the attachment.
public setImageUrl( $image_url) Set the optional image to appear within the attachment.
public setMarkdownFields(array $fields) Set the fields Slack should interpret in its Markdown-like language.
public setPretext( $pretext) Set the text that should appear above the formatted data.
public setText( $text) Set the optional text to appear within the attachment.
public setThumbUrl( $thumb_url) Set the optional thumbnail to appear within the attachment.
public setTimestamp( $timestamp) Set the timestamp to use for the attachment.
public setTitle( $title) Set the title to use for the attachment.
public setTitleLink( $title_link) Set the title link to use for the attachment.
public toArray() Convert this attachment to its array representation.
Properties |
protected $actions = [] A collection of actions (buttons) to include in the attachment. A maximum of 5 actions may be provided.
protected $author_icon = NULL Optional author icon for the attachment.
protected $author_link = NULL Optional author link for the attachment.
protected $author_name = NULL Optional author name for the attachment.
protected static $availableAttributes = ['fallback' => 'fallback', 'text' => 'text', 'image_url' => 'image_url', 'thumb_url' => 'thumb_url', 'pretext' => 'pretext', 'color' => 'color', 'footer' => 'footer', 'footer_icon' => 'footer_icon', 'timestamp' => 'timestamp', 'fields' => 'fields', 'mrkdwn_in' => 'markdown_fields', 'title' => 'title', 'title_link' => 'title_link', 'author_name' => 'author_name', 'author_link' => 'author_link', 'author_icon' => 'author_icon', 'callback_id' => 'callback_id', 'actions' => 'actions'] Internal attribute to property map.
protected $callback_id = NULL Optional provide callback_id used to provide interactivity callback information on the request.
protected $color = 'good' The color to use for the attachment.
protected $fallback = NULL The fallback text to use for clients that don't support attachments.
protected $fields = [] The fields of the block/attachment.
protected $footer = NULL The text to use for the attachment footer.
protected $footer_icon = NULL The icon to use for the attachment footer.
protected $image_url = NULL Optional image that should appear within the attachment.
protected $markdown_fields = [] The fields of the attachment that Slack should interpret with its Markdown-like language.
protected $pretext = NULL Optional text that should appear above the formatted data.
protected $text = NULL Optional text that should appear within the attachment.
protected $thumb_url = NULL Optional thumbnail that should appear within the attachment.
protected $timestamp = NULL The timestamp to use for the attachment.
protected $title = NULL Optional title for the attachment.
protected $title_link = NULL Optional title link for the attachment.
Methods |
protected getActionsAsArrays() Iterates over all actions in this attachment and returns them in their array form.
protected getFieldClass() Get the class name of valid fields.
protected getFieldsAsArrays() Iterates over all fields in this block/attachment and returns them in their array form.
Properties |
protected static $availableAttributes = ['fallback' => 'fallback', 'text' => 'text', 'image_url' => 'image_url', 'thumb_url' => 'thumb_url', 'pretext' => 'pretext', 'color' => 'color', 'footer' => 'footer', 'footer_icon' => 'footer_icon', 'timestamp' => 'timestamp', 'fields' => 'fields', 'mrkdwn_in' => 'markdown_fields', 'title' => 'title', 'title_link' => 'title_link', 'author_name' => 'author_name', 'author_link' => 'author_link', 'author_icon' => 'author_icon', 'callback_id' => 'callback_id', 'actions' => 'actions'] Internal attribute to property map.