Methods |
public __construct(array $attributes) Instantiate a new ActionConfirmation.
public getDismissText()
public getOkText()
public getText()
public getTitle()
public setDismissText( $dismissText)
public setOkText( $okText)
public setText( $text)
public setTitle( $title)
public toArray() Get the array representation of this action confirmation.
Properties |
protected static $availableAttributes = ['title' => 'title', 'text' => 'text', 'ok_text' => 'ok_text', 'dismiss_text' => 'dismiss_text'] Internal attribute to property map.
protected $dismissText = NULL The text label for the Cancel button.
protected $okText = NULL The text label for the OK button.
protected $text = NULL The required description.
protected $title = NULL The required title for the pop up window.
Methods |
Properties |
protected static $availableAttributes = ['title' => 'title', 'text' => 'text', 'ok_text' => 'ok_text', 'dismiss_text' => 'dismiss_text'] Internal attribute to property map.