Methods |
public getConfirm() Get the text that confirms the action.
public getDeny() Get the text that denies the action.
public getText() Get the confirmation explanatory text.
public getTitle() Get the confirmation title.
public setConfirm( $confirm) Set the text that confirms the action.
public setDeny( $deny) Set the text that denies the action.
public setText( $text) Set the confirmation explanatory text.
public setTitle( $title) Set the confirmation title.
public toArray() Convert the block to its array representation.
Properties |
protected static $availableAttributes = ['title' => 'title', 'text' => 'text', 'confirm' => 'confirm', 'deny' => 'deny'] Internal attribute to property map.
protected $confirm = NULL Text that confirms the action.
protected $deny = NULL Text that denies the action.
protected $text = NULL Confirmation explanatory text.
protected $title = NULL Confirmation title.
Methods |
Properties |
protected static $availableAttributes = ['title' => 'title', 'text' => 'text', 'confirm' => 'confirm', 'deny' => 'deny'] Internal attribute to property map.