Methods |
public getActionId() Get the action.
public getDispatchConfig() Get the input dispatch config.
public getInitialValue() Get the initial value.
public getMaxLength() Get the input maximum length.
public getMinLength() Get the input minimum length.
public getMultiline() Get whether the input spans multiple lines.
public getPlaceholder() Get the placeholder.
public setActionId( $actionId) Set the action.
public setDispatchConfig(array $dispatchConfig) Set the input dispatch config.
public setInitialValue( $initialValue) Set the initial value.
public setMaxLength( $maxLength) Set the input maximum length.
public setMinLength( $minLength) Set the input minimum length.
public setMultiline( $multiline) Set whether the input spans multiple lines.
public setPlaceholder( $placeholder) Set the placeholder.
public toArray() Convert the block to its array representation.
Properties |
protected $action_id = NULL Input action.
protected static $availableAttributes = ['action_id' => 'action_id', 'placeholder' => 'placeholder', 'initial_value' => 'initial_value', 'multiline' => 'multiline', 'min_length' => 'min_length', 'max_length' => 'max_length', 'dispatch_action_config' => 'dispatch_config'] Internal attribute to property map.
protected $dispatch_config = NULL When the element should return its payload.
protected $initial_value = NULL Input initial value.
protected $max_length = NULL Maximum length of the input.
protected $min_length = NULL Minimum length of the input.
protected $multiline = false Whether the input spans multiple lines.
protected $placeholder = NULL Select placeholder.
protected $type = 'plain_text_input' Block type.
Methods |
Properties |
protected static $availableAttributes = ['action_id' => 'action_id', 'placeholder' => 'placeholder', 'initial_value' => 'initial_value', 'multiline' => 'multiline', 'min_length' => 'min_length', 'max_length' => 'max_length', 'dispatch_action_config' => 'dispatch_config'] Internal attribute to property map.
Methods |