Methods |
public getElement() Get the input element.
public getHint() Get the input hint.
public getLabel() Get the input label.
public getOptional() Get whether the input is optional.
public setElement( $element) Set the input element.
public setHint( $hint) Set the input hint.
public setLabel( $label) Set the input label.
public setOptional( $optional) Set whether the input is optional.
public toArray() Convert the block to its array representation.
Properties |
protected static $availableAttributes = ['label' => 'label', 'element' => 'element', 'block_id' => 'block_id', 'hint' => 'hint', 'optional' => 'optional'] Internal attribute to property map.
protected $element = NULL Input element.
protected $hint = NULL A hint that appears below the input.
protected $label = NULL Label that appears above the input.
protected $optional = false Whether the input may be empty.
protected $type = 'input' Block type.
Methods |
Properties |
protected static $availableAttributes = ['label' => 'label', 'element' => 'element', 'block_id' => 'block_id', 'hint' => 'hint', 'optional' => 'optional'] Internal attribute to property map.
Methods |