Methods |
public Maknz\Slack\Payload::__construct(array $attributes) Instantiate a new payload.
public Maknz\Slack\Block\ElementsBlock::addElement( $element) Add an element to the block.
public Maknz\Slack\Block\ElementsBlock::clearElements() Remove all elements from the block.
public static Maknz\Slack\Block::factory(array $attributes) Create a Block element from a keyed array of attributes.
public Maknz\Slack\Block::getBlockId() Get the block identifier.
public Maknz\Slack\Block\ElementsBlock::getElements() Get the elements included in the block.
public Maknz\Slack\Block\ElementsBlock::getElementsAsArrays() Get the elements included in the block in an array representation.
public Maknz\Slack\Block::getType() Get the block type.
public Maknz\Slack\Block::setBlockId( $blockId) Set the block identifier.
public Maknz\Slack\Block\ElementsBlock::setElements(array $elements) Set the elements included in the block.
public Maknz\Slack\Block\ElementsBlock::toArray() Convert the block to its array representation.
Properties |
protected static Maknz\Slack\Block\ElementsBlock::$availableAttributes = ['elements' => 'elements', 'block_id' => 'block_id'] Internal attribute to property map.
protected Maknz\Slack\Block::$block_id = NULL Block identifier.
protected Maknz\Slack\Block\ElementsBlock::$elements = [] Elements to be displayed within the block.
protected $type = 'context' Block type.
Methods |
protected Maknz\Slack\Payload::fillProperties(array $attributes) : self
Properties |
protected static Maknz\Slack\Block\ElementsBlock::$availableAttributes = ['elements' => 'elements', 'block_id' => 'block_id'] Internal attribute to property map.
Methods |
public static Maknz\Slack\Block::factory(array $attributes) Create a Block element from a keyed array of attributes.