Ellipsoid class
- author Antoine Corcy
- see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reference_ellipsoid
- see http://www.colorado.edu/geography/gcraft/notes/datum/gif/ellipse.gif
Constants |
public League List of selected reference ellipsoids.
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Methods |
public __construct( $name, $a, $invF) Create a new ellipsoid.
public static checkCoordinatesEllipsoid(League Check if coordinates have the same ellipsoid.
public static createFromArray(array $newEllipsoid) Create an ellipsoid from an array.
public static createFromName( $name = 'WGS84'self::) Create the ellipsoid chosen by its name.
public getA() Returns the semi-major axis (equatorial radius) in meters.
public getArithmeticMeanRadius() Computes and returns the arithmetic mean radius in meters.
public static getAvailableEllipsoidNames() Returns the list of available ellipsoids sorted by alphabetical order.
public getB() Computes and returns the semi-minor axis (polar distance) in meters.
public getInvF() Returns the inverse flattening.
public getName() Returns the ellipsoid's name.
Properties |
protected $a = NULL The semi-major axis (equatorial radius) in meters.
protected $invF = NULL The inverse flattening.
protected $name = NULL The name of the Ellipsoid.
protected static $referenceEllipsoids = ['AIRY' => ['name' => 'Airy', 'a' => 6377563.396, 'invF' => 299.3249646], 'AUSTRALIAN_NATIONAL' => ['name' => 'Australian National', 'a' => 6378160, 'invF' => 298.25], 'BESSEL_1841' => ['name' => 'Bessel 1841', 'a' => 6377397.155, 'invF' => 299.1528128], 'BESSEL_1841_NAMBIA' => ['name' => 'Bessel 1841 (Nambia)', 'a' => 6377483.865, 'invF' => 299.1528128], 'CLARKE_1866' => ['name' => 'Clarke 1866', 'a' => 6378206.4, 'invF' => 294.9786982], 'CLARKE_1880' => ['name' => 'Clarke 1880', 'a' => 6378249.145, 'invF' => 293.465], 'EVEREST' => ['name' => 'Everest', 'a' => 6377276.345, 'invF' => 300.8017], 'FISCHER_1960_MERCURY' => ['name' => 'Fischer 1960 (Mercury)', 'a' => 6378166, 'invF' => 298.3], 'FISCHER_1968' => ['name' => 'Fischer 1968', 'a' => 6378150, 'invF' => 298.3], 'GRS_1967' => ['name' => 'GRS 1967', 'a' => 6378160, 'invF' => 298.247167427], 'GRS_1980' => ['name' => 'GRS 1980', 'a' => 6378137, 'invF' => 298.257222101], 'HELMERT_1906' => ['name' => 'Helmert 1906', 'a' => 6378200, 'invF' => 298.3], 'HOUGH' => ['name' => 'Hough', 'a' => 6378270, 'invF' => 297], 'INTERNATIONAL' => ['name' => 'International', 'a' => 6378388, 'invF' => 297], 'KRASSOVSKY' => ['name' => 'Krassovsky', 'a' => 6378245, 'invF' => 298.3], 'MODIFIED_AIRY' => ['name' => 'Modified Airy', 'a' => 6377340.189, 'invF' => 299.3249646], 'MODIFIED_EVEREST' => ['name' => 'Modified Everest', 'a' => 6377304.063, 'invF' => 300.8017], 'MODIFIED_FISCHER_1960' => ['name' => 'Modified Fischer 1960', 'a' => 6378155, 'invF' => 298.3], 'SOUTH_AMERICAN_1969' => ['name' => 'South American 1969', 'a' => 6378160, 'invF' => 298.25], 'WGS60' => ['name' => 'WGS 60', 'a' => 6378165, 'invF' => 298.3], 'WGS66' => ['name' => 'WGS 66', 'a' => 6378145, 'invF' => 298.25], 'WGS72' => ['name' => 'WGS 72', 'a' => 6378135, 'invF' => 298.26], 'WGS84' => ['name' => 'WGS 84', 'a' => 6378137, 'invF' => 298.257223563]] Selected reference ellipsoids. Source: Defense Mapping Agency. 1987b. Washington, DC: Defense Mapping Agency DMA Technical Report: Supplement to Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984 Technical Report.
Properties |
protected static $referenceEllipsoids = ['AIRY' => ['name' => 'Airy', 'a' => 6377563.396, 'invF' => 299.3249646], 'AUSTRALIAN_NATIONAL' => ['name' => 'Australian National', 'a' => 6378160, 'invF' => 298.25], 'BESSEL_1841' => ['name' => 'Bessel 1841', 'a' => 6377397.155, 'invF' => 299.1528128], 'BESSEL_1841_NAMBIA' => ['name' => 'Bessel 1841 (Nambia)', 'a' => 6377483.865, 'invF' => 299.1528128], 'CLARKE_1866' => ['name' => 'Clarke 1866', 'a' => 6378206.4, 'invF' => 294.9786982], 'CLARKE_1880' => ['name' => 'Clarke 1880', 'a' => 6378249.145, 'invF' => 293.465], 'EVEREST' => ['name' => 'Everest', 'a' => 6377276.345, 'invF' => 300.8017], 'FISCHER_1960_MERCURY' => ['name' => 'Fischer 1960 (Mercury)', 'a' => 6378166, 'invF' => 298.3], 'FISCHER_1968' => ['name' => 'Fischer 1968', 'a' => 6378150, 'invF' => 298.3], 'GRS_1967' => ['name' => 'GRS 1967', 'a' => 6378160, 'invF' => 298.247167427], 'GRS_1980' => ['name' => 'GRS 1980', 'a' => 6378137, 'invF' => 298.257222101], 'HELMERT_1906' => ['name' => 'Helmert 1906', 'a' => 6378200, 'invF' => 298.3], 'HOUGH' => ['name' => 'Hough', 'a' => 6378270, 'invF' => 297], 'INTERNATIONAL' => ['name' => 'International', 'a' => 6378388, 'invF' => 297], 'KRASSOVSKY' => ['name' => 'Krassovsky', 'a' => 6378245, 'invF' => 298.3], 'MODIFIED_AIRY' => ['name' => 'Modified Airy', 'a' => 6377340.189, 'invF' => 299.3249646], 'MODIFIED_EVEREST' => ['name' => 'Modified Everest', 'a' => 6377304.063, 'invF' => 300.8017], 'MODIFIED_FISCHER_1960' => ['name' => 'Modified Fischer 1960', 'a' => 6378155, 'invF' => 298.3], 'SOUTH_AMERICAN_1969' => ['name' => 'South American 1969', 'a' => 6378160, 'invF' => 298.25], 'WGS60' => ['name' => 'WGS 60', 'a' => 6378165, 'invF' => 298.3], 'WGS66' => ['name' => 'WGS 66', 'a' => 6378145, 'invF' => 298.25], 'WGS72' => ['name' => 'WGS 72', 'a' => 6378135, 'invF' => 298.26], 'WGS84' => ['name' => 'WGS 84', 'a' => 6378137, 'invF' => 298.257223563]] Selected reference ellipsoids. Source: Defense Mapping Agency. 1987b. Washington, DC: Defense Mapping Agency DMA Technical Report: Supplement to Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984 Technical Report.
Methods |
public static checkCoordinatesEllipsoid(League Check if coordinates have the same ellipsoid.
public static createFromArray(array $newEllipsoid) Create an ellipsoid from an array.
public static createFromName( $name = 'WGS84'self::) Create the ellipsoid chosen by its name.
public static getAvailableEllipsoidNames() Returns the list of available ellipsoids sorted by alphabetical order.