Coordinate class
- author Antoine Corcy
- Implements
JsonSerializable League \Geotools \Coordinate \CoordinateInterface
Methods |
public __construct( $coordinates, ?League Set the latitude and the longitude of the coordinates into an selected ellipsoid.
public getEllipsoid() |
public getLatitude() |
public getLongitude() |
public getPrecision()
public isEqual(League Returns a boolean determining coordinates equality
public jsonSerialize()
public normalizeLatitude( $latitude) |
public normalizeLongitude( $longitude) |
public setFromString( $coordinates) Creates a valid and acceptable geographic coordinates.
public setLatitude( $latitude) |
public setLongitude( $longitude) |
public setPrecision( $precision)
Properties |
protected $ellipsoid = NULL The selected ellipsoid.
protected $latitude = NULL The latitude of the coordinate.
protected $longitude = NULL The longitude of the coordinate.
Properties |
private $precision = 8 The precision to use to compare big numbers
Methods |
private toDecimalDegrees( $coordinates) Converts a valid and acceptable geographic coordinates to decimal degrees coordinate.