An implementation of DelimiterProcessorInterface that dispatches all calls to two or more other DelimiterProcessors depending on the length of the delimiter run. All child DelimiterProcessors must have different minimum lengths. A given delimiter run is dispatched to the child with the largest acceptable minimum length. If no child is applicable, the one with the largest minimum length is chosen.
- internal
Methods |
public __construct(string $char, League |
public add(League Adds the given processor to this staggered delimiter processor
public getClosingCharacter() : string |
public getDelimiterUse(League |
public getMinLength() : int |
public getOpeningCharacter() : string |
public process(League |
Properties |
private string $delimiterChar
private int $minLength = 0
private array $processors = []
Methods |
private findProcessor(int $len) : League |