Object for storing a list of unfolded iCalendar lines (ZCiCalDataNode objects)
Properties |
public array $child = [] Array of children for this node
public array $data = [] Array of $data for this node
public string $name = '' The name of the node |
public ?ICalendarOrg Next sibling of this node |
public ?ICalendarOrg The parent of this node |
public ?ICalendarOrg Previous sibling of this node |
Methods |
public __construct(string $_name, ?ICalendarOrg Create ZCiCalNode
public addNode(ICalendarOrg Add node to list |
public export(?ICalendarOrg export tree to icalendar format
public getAttrib(int $i) : string Get Attribute
public getFirstChild() : ?ICalendarOrg Get the first child of this object
public getName() : string Return the name of the object |
public getParent() : ?ICalendarOrg Get the parent object of this object
public printDataLine(ICalendarOrg print an attribute line
public printTree(?ICalendarOrg Print object tree in HTML for debugging purposes
public setAttrib(string $value) : ICalendarOrg Set Attribute
Properties |
protected array $attrib = []