Exception that is set as the reason for a promise that has been cancelled.
- Extends
Exception RuntimeException GuzzleHttp \Promise \RejectionException - Implements
Stringable Throwable
Methods |
Properties |
Exception that is set as the reason for a promise that has been cancelled.
Exception |
RuntimeException |
GuzzleHttp |
Stringable |
Throwable |
Methods |
public GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectionException::__construct( $reason, ?string $description = NULL)
public Exception::__toString() : string |
public Exception::__wakeup() |
public final Exception::getCode() |
public final Exception::getFile() : string |
public final Exception::getLine() : int |
public final Exception::getMessage() : string |
public final Exception::getPrevious() : ?Throwable |
public GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectionException::getReason() Returns the rejection reason.
public final Exception::getTrace() : array |
public final Exception::getTraceAsString() : string |
Properties |
protected Exception::$code = 0 |
protected string Exception::$file = '' |
protected int Exception::$line = 0 |
protected Exception::$message = '' |