public Druidfi\Mysqldump\TypeAdapter\TypeAdapterMysql::DEFINER_RE = 'DEFINER=`(?:[^`]|``)*`@`(?:[^`]|``)*`'
public array $mysqlTypes = ['numerical' => ['bit', 'tinyint', 'smallint', 'mediumint', 'int', 'integer', 'bigint', 'real', 'double', 'float', 'decimal', 'numeric'], 'blob' => ['tinyblob', 'blob', 'mediumblob', 'longblob', 'binary', 'varbinary', 'bit', 'geometry', 'point', 'linestring', 'polygon', 'multipoint', 'multilinestring', 'multipolygon', 'geometrycollection']]
public __construct(PDO $conn, Druidfi\Mysqldump\DumpSettings $settings)
public addDropDatabase(string $databaseName) : string
public addDropTrigger(string $triggerName) : string
public backupParameters() : string
public commitTransaction() : string
public createEvent(array $row) : string
  • throws \Exception
public createFunction(array $row) : string
  • throws \Exception
public createProcedure(array $row) : string
  • throws \Exception
public createTable(array $row) : string
  • throws \Exception
public createTrigger(array $row) : string
  • throws \Exception
public createView(array $row) : string
  • throws \Exception
public databases(string $databaseName) : string
public dropTable(string $tableName) : string
public dropView(string $viewName) : string
public endAddDisableKeys(string $tableName) : string
public endAddLockTable(string $tableName) : string
public endDisableAutocommit() : string
public getDatabaseHeader(string $databaseName) : string
public getVersion() : string
public lockTable(string $tableName) : string
public parseColumnType(array $colType) : array

Decode column metadata and fill info structure.

type, is_numeric and is_blob will always be available.

  • param array $colType Array returned from "SHOW COLUMNS FROM tableName"
  • return array
public restoreParameters() : string
public setupTransaction() : string
public showColumns(string $tableName) : string
public showCreateEvent(string $eventName) : string
public showCreateFunction(string $functionName) : string
public showCreateProcedure(string $procedureName) : string
public showCreateTable(string $tableName) : string
public showCreateTrigger(string $triggerName) : string
public showCreateView(string $viewName) : string
public showEvents(string $databaseName) : string

Get query string to ask for names of events from current database.

public showFunctions(string $databaseName) : string
public showProcedures(string $databaseName) : string
public showTables(string $databaseName) : string
public showTriggers(string $databaseName) : string
public showViews(string $databaseName) : string
public startAddDisableKeys(string $tableName) : string
public startAddLockTable(string $tableName) : string
public startDisableAutocommit() : string
public startTransaction() : string
public unlockTable(string $tableName) : string
protected PDO $db
protected Druidfi\Mysqldump\DumpSettings $settings
© 2024 Bruce Wells
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